The Highlands Nifty Fifties…Plus

A Social and Service Organization for Residents of The Highlands of Chesterfield, Virginia Aged 50+


Migrated Website

This NFP Website is now Totally on !! Those who watch the address bars on their web browsers or read the links would have seen that practically all of our pages were on Now the site has been migrated (moved and adapted) to fully use the domain as the web address. (Yay!) […]

Annual Meeting 2023 Results

Christmas Mother: Thanks to all of those who have already contributed to this year’s Chesterfield Christmas Mother Program.If you would like to make a monetary donation, please send gift cards(Walmart), cash, or checks(made to Nifty 50’s Plus) to Phyllis Echerd, 12242 Hadden Hall Drive, or Susan Gray, 12013 Sidlaw Hills Lane, as soon as possible […]

Highlands Massey Classic Photos

To all NFP members- Thank you for your support of the Highlands Massey Classic. Now in our 18th year we have raised an incredible grand total of 3 million dollars. This years’ amount now totals over $100,000.  All of this money goes towards cancer research and treatment. We could not put on this event without the help […]

HCA Meeting Sept. 19

John Theobald, HOA President, has asked that we send out an email to NFP members to remind them of the upcoming HOA Annual Meeting at The Reserve on Tues., Sept 19. Registration begins at 5:00 PM with the meeting commencing at 7:00 PM. If not planningĀ on attending the meeting, he has provided the attached PDF […]

Reminder NFP Annual Dinner Meeting

As you know, it takes time to prepare for our Annual Dinner.  It is most important that we know that you are coming and which meal you want on the evening of October 15th!  Click on the link below for details.   Please make your reservation by September 23rd.   At this time, 32 people have signed […]

NFP Welcomes New Members

A Great Big Welcome to our Newest Members! Please be sure to welcome our new friends to the Nifty Fifties . . . Plus and put their names and contact info in the back of your directories for future reference. Jeff & Katrina Ryder 8207 Calypso Lane 630-835-8845 331-725-8569 Kevin & Linda Lorton […]

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