The Highlands Nifty Fifties…Plus

A Social and Service Organization for Residents of The Highlands of Chesterfield, Virginia Aged 50+


Flying Squirrels Early Headcount Needed

RESERVE YOUR SEATS NOW! For June, our NF+ Event is the Flying Squirrels Baseball game and fireworks at the Diamond. I know it is several months away, but it would be great to get a headcount by May 1 so we are sure to order enough ticket for all NF+ members who want to attend. […]


Look for your NIFTY FIFTIES . . . PLUS 2023 DIRECTORY IN YOUR PAPER BOX Should be delivered locally by February 26, 2023.Those members living out of town will receive directories through USPS.If you find something to be inaccurate, please let us know.

Board of Directors Meeting 3/7

Our first Board Meeting of the year will be held Tuesday, March 7th at 10:30 am at The Highlands Clubhouse at Lake Margaret. All meetings are open to NFP membership to attend.

New Special Events Added

Added to NFP calendar: Nifty Fifties Special Events and Activities for Jan, Feb, Mar, April and May 2023.  [In the NFP calendar and listed HERE] are the special Events planned for the Nifty Fifties Plus (NFP) members for the first few months in 2023.  We plan to schedule 1 Event/month, with various “pop-up” events throughout […]

Wreaths Across America

The Nifty Fifties…Plus again participated in the “Wreaths Across America” program on Dec-17.Mark Fetty and Jim Glasser joined “regulars”, Lynn Herman, Mike Thompson, Lynn Hillman, and (organizer) Lacy Gray, to lay wreaths on a few of the grave monuments at Amelia Veterans Cemetery.

Bocce Update – Nov. 2022

This year’s final Bocce ball event was held on November 6th.  Hosting the early Veteran’s Day celebration were Brenda and Sid McCormac and Annette and Jack Bansbach.  A tough fought championship playoff was held, with the team of Penny and Jeff Milner and Susan and Elliot Siegel defeating the all-Italian squad of Cindy and Lou […]

Christmas Mother

Many thanks to all of you who have contributed to the 2022 Christmas Mother families.  Those members that would still like to contribute, please send checks (made out to “Nifty 50s…Plus” & “Christmas Mother” in memo) to Susan Gray, 12013 Sidlaw Hills Lane, Chesterfield, Va.  23838 Thanks.Susan Gray & Phyllis Echerd, Co-chairs

Registration 2023

Dear NF members, We are being a bit slow registering  for 2023, so… if you have not already done so,  I am asking you to register in the first week of November.  We need to know how many we will have next year, create the master list, then generate the member details for our group leaders.  I […]

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