Recently Retired? An Empty Nester?
Looking for New Friends and/or Activities?
The Highlands Nifty Fifties…Plus (NFP) is a social and service organization whose 150+ (dues paying) members are current (or past) residents of “The Highlands” in Chesterfield, VA. This includes the Highlands’ “Lake Margaret” and “Cypress Glen” communities.
Membership is open to all residents who are age 50 or greater. For a household with multiple members, only one person needs to meet the age criteria.
Membership in the NFP is encouraged as a means to meet your neighbors, develop friendships, engage in activities with them, and provide service to the community.
How to Join:
- Step 1: Register Online (or use Paper Form).
- Step 2: Pay Dues = $20 each or $40 per couple.
• Zelle (via your online bank app) to
• Mail a check to the NFP Treasurer at 11009 Aldera Ct.
– – – > Make check payable to “Nifty Fifties Plus“.
Download our tri-fold pamphlet for more information. View a Slideshow of Activities from 2022
The majority of our interactions occur in social or service “activity groups”. Some meet as often as twice a week while others meet as infrequent as quarterly or even annually. Each of these groups has an activity leader who keeps the group members appraised on the group’s events.
We also have “special events” open to all members. These are additional one-time activities that occur once or twice monthly throughout the year. Popular events may repeat annually.
Annual Dues:
Dues provides a level of commitment, but for the active member, they are well worth the expense. Dues include membership, a member directory, website access, access to your choice of regular activity groups (as many as you wish), access to pre-planned special events/activities, and an Annual Meeting (with food).
Please let us know if you have any questions or comments by contacting vp2@highlandsnf.org.
Want to talk to a human (or even Mark)? Come visit us while we play Pickleball.
We can also welcome guests to try individual activities or events.
We look forward to hearing from you.
– The Admin. Team at NFP –